Purchase Request Management v1.3 by R3 Business Solutions The Purchase Request Management application is a comprehensive solution that enables a department or business function to manage the process of submitting and approving purchase requests. It provides the user with the ability to easily enter, review, approve, report on and archive their purchase requests. It provides managers with real time reporting of in-process and approved requests. Use it for a single department or multiple departments in a SharePoint environment. It includes the process to request Purchase Orders from Finance. Documents can be attached throughout the process, including a final PO from Finance, and, they will all be included in the archive.
Price: $2,500
Time-Off Management by R3 Business Solutions The Time-Off Management application is a comprehensive solution that enables a department or business function to manage the process of submitting and approving time-off requests. Requests are approved and published to a shared calendar for employee tracking. It provides extensive reporting and comment tracking. Principally, R3 Time-Off Management contains three
distinct role-based work processes: |
Price: $3,000